
Nested sampling (vanilla and SMC).


This module is less tested than the rest of the package.

Moreover, this documentation does not explain precisely how nested sampling works (and this topic is not covered in our book). Thus, refer to e.g. the original papers of Skilling or Chopin and Robert (2010, Biometrika). For nested sampling SMC, see the paper of Salomone et al (2018).

Vanilla nested sampling

This module contains classes that implement nested sampling:

  • NestedSampling: base class;

  • Nested_RWmoves : nested sampling algorithm based on random walk Metropolis steps.

To use the latter, you need to define first a static model, in the same way as in the smc_samplers module. For instance:

import particles
from particles import smc_samplers as ssp
from particles import distributions as dists

class ToyModel(ssp.smc_samplers):
    def logpyt(self, theta, t):  # log-likelihood of data-point at time t
        return stats.norm.logpdf([t], loc=theta)

my_prior = dists.Normal()  # theta ~ N(0, 1)
y = random.normal(size=1)  # y | theta ~ N(theta, 1)
toy_model = ToyModel(data=y, prior=my_prior)

Then, the algorithm may be set and run as follows:

from particles import nested

algo = nested.Nested_RWmoves(model=toy_model, N=1000, nsteps=3, eps=1e-8)
print('estimate of log-evidence: %f' % algo.lZhats[-1])

This will run a nested sampling algorithm which propagates N=1000 particles; each time a point is deleted, it is replaced by another point obtained as follows: another point is selected at random, and then moved through nsteps steps of a Gaussian random walk Metropolis kernel (which leaves invariant the prior constrained to the current likelihood contour). To make these steps reasonably efficient, the covariance matrix of the random walk proposal is dynamically adapted to the current sample of points. The algorithm is stopped when the different between the two most recent estimates of the log-evidence is below eps.

To implement your own algorithm, you must sub-class NestedSampling like this:

from particles import nested

class MyNestedSampler(nested.NestedSampling):
    def mutate(self, n, m):
        # implement a MCMC step that replace point X[n] with the point
        # obtained by starting at X[m] and doing a certain number of steps
        return value

Nested sampling Sequential Monte Carlo

Salomone et al (2018) proposed a SMC sampler inspired by nested sampling. The target distribution at time t is the prior constrained to the likelihood being larger than constant l_t. These constants may be chosen adaptively: in this implementation, the next l_t is set to the ESSrmin upper-quantile of the likelihood of the current points (where ESSrmin is specified by the user). In other words, l_t is chosen so that the ESS equals this value. (ESSrmin corresponds to 1 - rho in Salomone et al’s notations.)

This module implements this SMC sampler as NestedSamplingSMC, a sub-class of smc_samplers.FKSMCsampler, which may be used the same way as other SMC samplers defined in module smc_samplers:

fk = nested.NestedSamplingSMC(model=toy_model, wastefree=True, ESSrmin=0.3)
alg = particles.SMC(fk=fk, N=1_000)

Upon completion, the dictionary alg.X.shared will contain the successive estimates of the log-evidence (log of marginal likelihood, in practice the final one is the one you want to use), and the successive values of l_t.

Note that a waste-free version of NS-SMC is run by default, but the original paper of Salomone et al (which predates NS-SMC) only considers a standard version. (For more details on waste-free SMC vs standard SMC, see module smc_samplers and the corresponding jupyter notebook.)


Salomone, South L., Drovandi C. and Kroese D. (2018). Unbiased and Consistent Nested Sampling via Sequential Monte Carlo, arxiv 1805.03924.


unif_minus_one(N, m)

Sample uniformly from 0, ..., N-1, minus m.




Tracks mean and cov of a set of points.

NestedParticles([theta, lprior, llik])

NestedSampling([model, N, eps])

Base class for nested sampling algorithms.

NestedSamplingSMC([model, wastefree, ...])

Feynman-Kac class for the nested sampling SMC algorithm.

Nested_RWmoves([model, N, eps, nsteps, scale])

Nested sampling with (adaptive) random walk Metropolis moves.